Elementary reading 1 从前
waveChinese 10th April 2021从前,有座山。山里有个庙。庙里有两个和尚。老和尚对小和尚说:
Cóng qián ,yǒu zuò shān 。Shān lǐ yǒu gè miào 。Miào lǐ yǒu liǎng gè hé shàng 。Lǎo hé shàng duì xiǎo hé shàng shuō :
“Cóng qián ,yǒu zuò shān 。Shān lǐ yǒu gè miào 。Miào lǐ yǒu liǎng gè hé shàng 。Lǎo hé shàng duì xiǎo hé shàng shuō :“Cóng qián ,……””。
Once upon a time, there was a mountain. There's a temple in the mountain. There were two monks in the temple. The old monk said to the little monk:
"Once upon a time, Once upon a time,…". there was a mountain. There's a temple in the mountain. There were two monks in the temple. The old monk said to the little monk: "
What are others saying?
Interesting. Any background to the story or thoughts on its meaning?